Eart's Atmosphere 2012

Earth's Atmosphere is a layer of water that envelops or surround the earth together with the earth's rotation and turns around so the water contained in the atmosphere is a mixture and combination of gas , dust and water vapor . The atmosphere is useful for the creatures that exist to protect, the earth , because it helps maintain the stability of water temperature day and night , absorption of radiation and UV rays are very harmful to humans and other creatures of earth.

The content in the layers of the Earth

>@ Nitrogen 78.17 %
>@ Oxygen 20 . 97 %
>@ 0.98 % Argon
>@ 0.04 % Carbon Dioxide
>>>>> The rest are other substances such as krypton , helium , higrom , krypton and Ozone.

The layers of Earth's Atmosphere consists of :

>>>>> First Troposphere

Tropospheric Height = 0 - 15 km .''
Layers of the troposphere temperature = 17 - - 52 degrees Celsius . ''
About 80 % of atmospheric gases are used in this section .''

>>>>> Second stratosphere
Stratospheric heights = 15 - 40 km .''
The temperature of the stratosphere = -57 degrees Celsius .''
Ozone layer blocks ultraviolet light , or holding at this layer .''

Third Mesosphere or Mesosphere
Mesosphere thickness = 45 to 75 km
The temperature or the stratosphere = -140 degrees Celsius .''
Very low temperatures and cold can equinoctial clouds of ice crystals.''

4 years Thermos-fer or thermos-fir
Thermos-fer thickness : 75 to 100 km .''
The temperature of the stratosphere = 80 degrees Celsius .''

5 years Ionosphere
The thickness of the ionosphere = 50 - 100 km
is the layer that reflects radio waves will be . Since the absorption or UV radiation and the causes a layer of electrically charged in a high temperature .

6 years Exosphere
The thickness of the exosphere = 500 -700 .''
The temperature of the stratosphere = -57 degrees Celsius
Not with water pressure that is equal to 0 cm hg

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